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Bachelor of Visual Arts

To train multidisciplinary artists, professionals in the field of arts and culture, with a great critical sense, committed to social and human development and with a clear universal vision.

School Modality





















  • Take and pass the exam.

  • Birth certificate (original and 2 copies).

  • Conduct letter from the school of origin (original and 2 copies).

  • Medical certificate issued by a public health institution (original and 2 copies).

  • High school certificate or equivalent (original and 2 copies).

  • Updated certificate of studies from the school of origin.

  • CURP (2 copies).

  • Comply with established administrative requirements.

  • 4 front photographs.

First Semester

  • Drawing I

  • Introduction to Design

  • Color Theory

  • Human Development I

  • Introduction to Engraving

  • Oral and Written Communication

  • University Social Service

Fourth Semester

  • Disciplinary Selective I

  • History of Art III

  • Drawing IV

  • Materials research

  • Fundamentals of administration

  • French I

  • University Social Service

Seventh Semester

  • Disciplinary Selective IV

  • Personal Project I

  • Advanced Composition

  • Cultural Management

  • French IV

  • University Social Service

Second Semester

  • Drawing II

  • Introduction to Digital Art

  • History of Art I

  • Introduction to Sculpture

  • Introduction to Painting

  • Human Development II

  • University Social Service

Fifth Semester

  • Disciplinary Selective II

  • Aesthetics II

  • Drawing V

  • Body language

  • Marketing Fundamentals

  • French II

  • University Social Service

Eighth Semester

  • Disciplinary Selective V

  • Research Methodology

  • Semiotics

  • Professional Social Service Reflection Group

  • University Social Service

Third Semester

  • Drawing III

  • Introduction to Photography

  • Art History II

  • Techniques and Procedures

  • Aesthetics I

  • Composition

  • University Social Service

Sixth Semester

  • Disciplinary Selective III

  • Drawing VI

  • Museology and museography

  • Art and Psychology

  • Topics I

  • French III

  • University Social Service

Ninth Semester

  • Disciplinary Selective VI

  • Personal Project II

  • Topics II

  • Graduation Seminar

  • University Social Service


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