Would you like to know how far you are able to go with your creativity? Would you like to learn to express your feelings and emotions through art? Your option is the Degree in Visual Arts offered by the Instituto Allende, with 71 years of experience teaching this degree, incorporated to the University of Guanajuato. The curriculum includes subjects such as Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, Photography, Digital Art, Art History, Art and Psychology, Color Theory and Composition and all the subjects necessary for your artistic, professional and human development. 

You can study in an environment of peace and tranquility, surrounded by beautiful gardens, framed by the multiculturalism that San Miguel de Allende offers you, a city rich in history, culture, art, architecture and traditions. Our teachers are professionals who have degrees, masters and even doctorates in different areas of art, and they will take you by the hand through the different paths of the visual arts. 

"In art there is a very large field, and there is something that stirs the soul and allows you to do whatever you want," says Ram Espinoza Ramírez, a young man from Chile, who graduated from the Bachelor of Visual Arts at the Instituto Allende. Ram considers that he has made the most of the professors at the Instituto Allende, who helped him a lot in the pictorial aspect of drawing. Ram is ready to work as a freelance artist and even in any company that is related to the art industry. 

Our Bachelor of Visual Arts is more than a developmental opportunity for the creative person. Be part of our team and discover your artistic possibilities. Our next entrance exam is on April 23, 2021. We start classes on August 9. 


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