Stone Sculpture

MXN $3,975


This workshop is taught by Maestro Gerardo Bervera, a graduate of the National School of Painting, Sculpture, and Engraving, La Esmeralda; and by Maestro Rafael Soria, expert jeweler with long experience in sculptural stone polishing.

Discover the strength, beauty, and mystery of each piece of stone you work on. Because no two pieces of stone are entirely alike, it is a great pleasure to know from your personal experience the variations in hardness, color and particular properties of each piece, from a river stone to jade, quartz, and obsidian.

You will carve stone using diamond disc cutters and other carving equipment and tools, in the process learning the best sculptural techniques.

Day and hour
Duration two weeks (6 classes, 18 hours)

August 8-18
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Cost or recovery fee
$9,765 MXN (2 weeks)
Materials not included